In this hysterical visibility campaign, Prostate Cancer Australia goes for the gold, prostate exam wise. Visibility campaigns can be crucial in the health marketing space. While KPIs or conversion stats may take quite some time to quantify, there is no doubt ad campaigns like these get viewers and have impact.

"Maybe the problem isn’t discomfort so much as a lack of “manly” options for prostate-probing fingers. That’s the insane premise behind this Canadian PSA, which introduces the (fictional) “Famous Fingers Collection” of latex gloves,letting men experience the subtle sensations of being examined by great figures from history, literature and even Norse mythology.
There’s a Winston Churchill finger, a Genghis Khan finger and even a Thor finger (which sparks the question, “Is that two fingers?”). Created by McCann Canada and directors Ben/Dave of Partners Film for Prostate Cancer Canada, the “Famous Fingers” PSA is certainly one of the more unexpected cancer-prevention ads you’ll see this year … or ever."